1. Physical activity - calculations
Ask the students to form a circle. Then start asking: “What is 3x4?” and throw the ball to a selected student. The student who caught the ball must give the correct answer to ask a similar maths question to another child. If you clap during the game, children change to the next type of mathematical operation, for example, from addition to subtraction.
2. Issue presentation
Explain to the students that now they will take part in a math competition with the Photon Robots. At least two robots are required for the competition. The competition aims to determine the mental calculations winner. First, you need to ask the students to prepare an application (game) to make this competition possible.
3. Preparations:
Divide your students into groups. Present the group working principles, including the process of creating an application according to the Design Thinking methodology:
You can find out more about the Design Thinking methodology in one of these resources:
4. The main part
5. Summary
Organize a presentation of student projects.
Hold the mathematical competition using applications created by each group or one selected group.